Friday, March 13, 2020

March 12/13

What We Did in Class
Notes - Bonding

What is for Homework
Day 1 and Day 2: Pg 173 #57-64, Pg 182 #79-83 (not 82)
Day 1 - finish graphs for lab 9A

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 10/11

What We Did in Class
Notes - Periodic Trends

What is for Homework
P164 #35-38
P166 #42-44
P170 #53-56
Quiz next class

March 6/9

What We Did in Class
Notes - Periodic Table

What is for Homework
Mendeleev Activity - due next class

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 4/5

What We Did in Class
Notes - Electron Configuration: Core Notation and Ions

What is for Homework
P156 #27-29
P167 #45-47

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2/3

What We Did in Class
Electron Configuration

What is for Homework
P155 #26

Feb. 28

What We Did in Class
Activity 9A

What is for Homework

Feb. 26/27

What We Did in Class
Atomic Numbers

What is for Homework
P146 #13-17, 19, 22